
Which sign is the most Natruraly femminine from the whole zodiac ?

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I wanted to see which sign is the pure typical femminine (girlish)Type from females gender naturaly from the the zodiac signs!!




  1. Hi Bad D

    Interesting question indeed.  Some say Pisces and probably right. I have seen Capricorn ladies that can make anybody's hit turn 360.

    I believe Libra, Taurus Venus, Neptune influence in any chart, will give a person a feminine touch especially if any of these signs is rising and has Venus (beauty) and Neptune rising.

    The other side of the coin......

    What about transvestite, and males who dress in woman's clothing, make-up and all ??

    Some of them can easily fool anybody and many appear on some T.V. shows and not even the ladies can figure out who the men are.

    Basically, this mens that even male signs, fire and air alike, with a strong feminine planet like Neptune and Venus would make the person more delicate, more effeminate etc....

    Edit.... I have seen men that were actually overgrown tomboys (ladies). Could have had me fooled driving a rig, lifting motors etc...

    That's my take. The question is very good.

  2. Virgo. (In the sense of purity.)

    Cancer. (In the sense of motherly, family oriented.)

    And Scorpio. (In the sensual, passionate, sexual charge of women.)

    There isn't ONE specific naturally feminine sign, they all have feminine and masculine attributes.

  3. libra or pisces

  4. Cancer of course..we are very maternal

    Cancer here 7/18/1985... happy birthday to MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!

  5. Liz Greene, a very well-respected astrologer, describes Pisces women as being very feminine - in many ways, they are the archetypal female according to her. Pisces males are also seen as feminine.

    The water signs are seen to be more feminine in general because they are more passive and flowing - they express the yin of nature more so than other signs. If this is what you mean by feminine, then I would think Pisces, Cancer, or Scorpio are the more 'naturally feminine' signs.

  6. Feminine Signs in astrology are signs which have traditionally been conceived as more receptive and less active, primarily focusing on the emotional/material world. Earth and Water Signs are considered Feminine, whereas Air and Fire Signs are considered Masculine.

    The feminine signs are:

    Taurus | Cancer | Virgo | Scorpio | Capricorn | Pisces

    Generally speaking, planets in feminine signs in your horoscope add sensitivity and emotional depth, while those in masculine signs add spirituality and activity, whether physical or mental.

    Feminine Signs are nocturnal (night-oriented), so the term feminine here should be viewed in the same light as the Yin (or dark) polarity of the Tao. Bear in mind that every horoscope is a balancing act between the masculine and the feminine poles. The balance of light and dark, or Yang and Yin, or masculine and feminine is the achievement of perfection in the world.

    I really can't say which one is the MOST feminine! But I know it comes down to one of these six because they are all pretty feminine!

    I hope this helps!!!

    Best of Luck to You!! =)*

  7. Pisces!

  8. I would say if Not Cancer(the Mother of the zodiac) It would be Virgo, the Virgin.

  9. Your sign!

  10. I am an Aries and I love Femmy women. Usually theny tend to be Virgos, Libras, Capricorns and Sags.

    Def. Not Aries

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