
Which sign of the zodiac is the meanest? Just for fun!?

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Which sign of the zodiac is the meanest? Just for fun!?




  1. capricorn, fo sho

  2. Virgos, Capricorns, and Taurus seem to be the most stuck up, think theyre better than everyone else signs.

    Leo, Aries, and Saggatarius seem to be the craziest, most out going signs

    Cancer, Scorpio, Picses seem to be the kind of insecure type or maybe just the shy quiet type.


    Libra, Aquarius, Gemini seem to be a******s most of the time but then are extremely nice to the girl/guy they like.

    I didnt mean to offend anyone, this is just what Ive experienced with people.

    Im a virgo=]

  3. Scorpio. Libra's are just annoying (I can say this because I am one) haha

  4. The Yahoo god is the meanest of all

    so boring and stupid

    I'll go for leo and aries

  5. When Scorpios are out for revenge, they are the meanest in the zodiac. Period. No one does mean the way a Scorpio does.

    I think Libra and Geminis are pretty good at hurting people's feelings with their words. Sags can be pretty blunt, too, but a lot of times they don't know they're being mean.

  6. It is scorpio...

  7. Virgos and Capricorns. and I'm no just basing that off of one person that i know. I MEAN REALLY KNOW>

  8. That's not zodiac;  that's a sociopath.

  9. TAURUS! ya mess w/the bull ya get the horns!!

  10. Aries lol

    in a good way if u know what i mean

  11. Leo's. They're mean and narcissistic.

  12. for me its scorpio and then aries

  13. Scorpio and Aries....there is no other sting like the Scorpio's sting...**** hurts when they sting haha

  14. Capacorin

  15. It's been my experience., Scorpio.  They are good to their personal family tho.

  16. LIBRA

  17. the Virgo because they will c**p on you

  18. I would say Aries.....

  19. Leo!! how more mean can you get?

  20. scorpio!

  21. i don't think any sign is inherently mean "just for the fun of it." some people are just mean.

    leos may be mean for narcissistic reasons; to make themselves feel better by making others look bad.

    scorpios might be mean or hurt someone in some way to achieve a self-serving goal of some kind.

    aries might seem mean and in their mind they are just trying to be honest, and sometimes aries have similar insecurities to leos.

    cancers can be pretty ruthless when they feel someone has wronged them or hurt them in some way, even if they know that it was unintentional. pisces are similar to this, but it takes a lot more to make them become angry or hurt enough to warrant hurting someone back.

    sags, imo, are just kind of self-centered in a way that they could never understand and don't even realize when they have hurt someone...they just don't give things like that a thought. i think libras can be the same way...

    so you see where i'm going here?

    the other signs i see as just not caring enough or being petty enough to act outwardly mean.  aquarius, gemini, virgo, taurus, and cappy seem to ignore things, or ignore you.

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