
Which sign would you laugh at if it threatened you? your sun/moon/rising?

by Guest64243  |  earlier

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mention ur sun/moon/rising and remember to put logic into your answer.

thank you

cancer sun

aries rising

taurus moon




  1. I would laugh at any sign if they threatened me except Scorpio because I am one and I know how we are.

  2. Well.. I don't think I'd laugh at anyone if they threatened me, just because it's not really funny. I'd probably get angry instead. If it was a deadly threat and they looked insane, I would be scared. It is ignorant to think nothing could happen to you or your loved ones, no matter how strong you think you are.

    But yea, I think any sign can be scary enough to follow through with a REAL threat. A lot of people think that the the water signs and people with a lot of water influences are most laughable when they make a threat... but I think they scare me the most if they truly mean what they say. They're the most likely to be unstable and actually carry out a threat on your life or something, in my opinion.

    Pisces sun, gemini moon, sagittarius rising

  3. All of them. Why? ....why not.

    Scorpio sun

    Scorpio moon

    Pisces rising

  4. The fire signs are always threatening people but I don't believe them. There trying to look bigger than they really are. I laugh. I Like fire signs though, don't get me wrong, there just not as tough as they would like to think!

  5. All of them!

    I could kick their sorry little butts for threatening me!

    Gemini Sun

    Libra Moon

    Cancer Rising

  6. gemini, because I would do anything to get the best of them.....

    sun scorpio

    moon aries

    rising taurus

  7. None of them, because it depends so much on other factors. For one thing, what is the nature of the threat?

    Strictly from an astrological point of view, you might think the person's Sun sign is 'weak', but don't overlook that description may be misleading?

    I would also like to point out that there are serial killers from every sign of the zodiac. The prisons are full of every sign in the zodiac, and I know because I work in personnel at one of the biggest ones in the USA.

    If someone makes a threat to pour gasoline around my house when everyone is sleeping and then set it on fire, then I will not laugh at them no matter what their Sun sign is. Someone did this to my family, and the Sun sign of that person is considered by many to be a peace loving sign.  

  8. Well, I honestly wouldn't laugh if someone threatened me but I'd surely go o_O? if anyone did. Friend or foe.

    Based on what I've seen on here, the closest would probably be Cancer. She'd go off then I'd probably giggle and say to myself, "How adorable." >_>

    And I wouldn't be scared if a fellow Pisces threatened me. What's she gonna do? Straggle me with a rainbow or poke me on the bum with a unicorn?

    Pisces Sun. Virgo Moon. Taurus Rising.

    Hmmm... I find your name misleading for some reason...

  9. Well any sign that threatened me but was too weak and unconvincing to intimidate me. Yeah...I know you don't want me to be a ***** and say "The whole chart matters", but it does. ; )

    Meh, I normally laugh when people threaten me, unless they are dead serious about it. I have yet to be seriously threatened, so I can't really answer.

    Libra Sun

    Cancer Moon

    Libra Rising

    Edit : Two thumbs down? Pfft, you all can go s***w yourselves.

  10. Any of them!

    Gemini sun

    Scorpio moon

    Leo rising

  11. gemmini....

    sun capricorn

    moon aries

    rising leo

  12. Libra! Threat me and I sue you! lol j/k

    "I, Aries"

    Aries Sun

    Aries Moon

    Virgo Rising

    Who works from morn to set of sun?

    And never likes to be outdone?

    Whose walk is almost like a run?

    Who? Aries!!!

    Well Aries and Libras are opposites right???

  13. Oh gee. Definitely not a Scorpio

    Probably Aquarius.

    Virgo Sun

    Sagittarius Moon

    Sagittarius Rising

  14. Gemini....all bark and no follow through what so ever.


    Scorpio Moon

    Aquarius rising

  15. another aquarius!!

    aquarius w/ leo rising

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