
Which signals will get disrupted in case of a spinal cord injury?

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Which signals will get disrupted in case of a spinal cord injury?




  1. Nerve cells send messages via electrical and chemical signals. Electrical signals are sent from the cell down a long snaky projection, the axon, to the next cell. Axons, like power cords, need insulation to keep the electricity flowing. The insulation in the spinal cord and brain is a fatty substance called myelin. Myelin is made by oligodendrocytes, which are a type of glial cell or neural support cell. Each oligodendrocyte sends out many arms that wrap around axons forming insulating myelin. Normal myelin is formed by approximately 30 wraps round an axon, although remyelination studies have shown that messages can be sent with as few as 3-10 wraps. When oligodendrocytes are damaged and myelin in disrupted, the neurons cannot communicate and the result is paralysis or motor dysfunction....

  2. electrochemical neural messages

  3. It depends on the location (height) of the injury.

  4. The spinal cord sends signals to muscles to move, and has sensation pathways too as well as control of  reflexes. Nerves from muscle and skin go through spine and to the brain. The brain tries to control and coordinate movement through the spinal cord. If the spinal cord is damaged then muscles and sensation below a certain level are affected. The muscles go floppy, the reflexes are lost and sensation of nerves below a certain level will be lost.

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