
Which signs do libras go good with??

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( I was born on oct.2 )




  1. As far as sun signs, it is Gemini and Aquarius.

  2. fellow librans

  3. Most compatible: Gemini, Leo, Sagittarius and aquarius

    Okish compatibility: Libra, Aries*

    Why did you bother? compatibility: Capricorn, pisces, taurus, cancer, virgo, scorpio

    * Aries is our opposite (I'm a libran too) which means that naturally they challenge us and we challenge them. But once we overcome our problems, we can get on rather well.


  4. I was born Oct. 5, I think Libras go good with everyone, as we are the charmed ones with such great balance and seem to get along with everyone. Libras have a certain power over people, its just the even and calm way of our lives, we could charm a rattlesnake into submission.

  5. ooh, so is my boyfriend!

    i think either a leo, gemini or aquarius, both light hearted signs like to have fun. dont take life too seriously. think that what librans are kind of like too!

  6. Libra's go very good with Aquarius, Gemini and Leo.

  7. Aquarius. we're supposed to go good with Gemini too, but almost every Gemini I know is an ***.

    I've found that I get along with Pisces well too, but only as friends.

  8. Horoscope compatibilities of the Libra zodiac sign with other zodiac signs:

    Zodiac Signs of (greatest overall compatibility): Gemini, Aquarius

    Zodiac Signs of (greatest overall incompatibility): Cancer, Capricorn

    Zodiac Sign (most helpful to career): Cancer

    Zodiac Sign (most helpful for emotional support): Capricorn

    Zodiac Sign most helpful financially: Scorpio

    Zodiac Sign (((best for marriage and/or partnerships)): Aries

    Zodiac Sign (most helpful for creative projects): Aquarius

    Zodiac Signs (most helpful in spiritual matters): Gemini, Virgo

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