Blacks are constantly criticized for having so many illegitimate children. I am 1000% against the idea of people having unwanted children that they can't afford. Still Whites marry in higher percentages, yet over half fail and create a high percentage of single parent homes also.
In both cases the children are emotionally devastated. When Whites marry, they spend thousands on weddings and lie before God on vows that they know that they wont do, then they divorce. The men lose half of their stuff, pay alimony, most have been unfaithful during the marriage, beat and verbally abuse their wives and the children still end up messed up and in single parent homes. Most Black women eliminate alot to the negatives of having a husband or controlling man and going through the inevitable divorce process when they want children. Again the children are emotionally messed up. The number of White women having children out of wedlock has tripled over the past 30 years,so is this a trend for the future? But in the case of the child, which situation is worst? (I am not including dead-beat, welfare women in this analysis.)