
Which skates: Nike Bauer Vapor XXV or Easton S11?

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Which skates: Nike Bauer Vapor XXV or Easton S11?




  1. I own Bauer Vapors and love them. When these wear out I am buying another pair. That should tell you all you need to know

  2. Easton s11 are so much better they are so light and you wont believe your wearing skates.  

    They bauer xxv's are really  just average skates that are really nothing special

    If your willing to upgrade a little go with the easton s15's lightest skates ever made and no they won't fall apart, I own them.

  3. Easton's arent as good quality. I have many friends who got them thinking they were good but they have complained who quality problems as well as some problems with breking them in good. The entire Bauer skate series are all very good skates. Each new pair better then the one before it. They are reliable, easy to break in, and nice and light. I would go with the Bauer's.

  4. neither. easton skates lack durability drastically and the vapor series has a wierd feel to it. i'd go with last years top of the line skate for the same price if i was you personally.

    i just picked up the one75s about 3 weeks ago. they're a bit more pricier but i love the feel of them. i threw some superfeet(custom footbeds) and no i refuse to skate without them.

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