
Which small pet is the friendliest?

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I have a small apartment and my girlfriend already has a hamster, but I want a pet of my own. I can't have a cat or a dog. I do want something that interacts well with me, something friendly and low maintenance. Mostly just something with which to sit on the couch and watch TV.

Also of note: it's probably best that the owner of the complex doesn't find out about my new pet.




  1. Sounds like you don't want a pet.

    Try a talking stuffed animal.



    thats what i have

    low maintence

    just water anf food,

    clean the cage like once evey two months.

    VERy friendliy

    talk to you

    likes to be pet ont he face

    haha there greatt !

    sooo cute to.

  3. You can get a different type of hamster.

    Pets with low maintenance will not interact with you( fish)

    I have a Roborovski hamster, but they are hard to tame.

  4. Get A Rose Hair Spider, I have one, She's awesome. And not agressive :]

  5. get a hedgehog, i hear they are wonderful pets. theyre cute and low maintenance and friendly from what i hear. either that or go for a reptile of some sort. i used to have some geckos and they were awesome

  6. don't think there is a pet that is maintenace because even for a goldfish you have to feed it, clean its tank, and more, a bunny would be good if you take care of it, there soft and cute but take alot of responsibility

  7. Guinea Pigs are a great small pet that don't mind being handled and fussed over.

    They come in all different colours and fur lengths.

    You can even take them to shows .

    They are easy to look after if done so properly.

    Also what about a bird?

    You can buy one thats already hand raised or even do it yourself?

    They can't cuddle up to you on the couch but will certainly sit on your shoulder or where ever he may want to wonder around.

    They will chatter all day long so you won't feel very lonely..

    Hope you find the right pet.

    Best of luck.

  8. I think Missponies is right, and wrong. She is right in the fact that a guinea pig sounds ideal for you, but I would like to try and see you hide a noisy bird from your complex owner.

    So, go with the guinea - pig.

  9. Get a pet rat. i have 4 and they are awesome...

  10. a little turtle, but I dont think it will interact with you...!

    and why cant you have another hamster?you can always have two...

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