
Which snack food do you think has too many flavor varieties?

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Did you know Wheat Thins has like 8 different varieties? It's ridiculous, meanwhile they can't make chocolate Cheese Nips




  1. doritos... even the individual flavors have too much variety: spicy sweet chili? blue cheese buffalo sauce? seriously?

  2. If a flavor of a snack food doesn't sell well, they stop making it. If it sells well, they keep making it.  So, all those flavors must be liked well enough for them to keep being put on the shelves.

    I decide which flavors I like, and don't give a hoot how many flavors other people like.  They have just as much right to their own favorites as I do.  Why would I want to limit their choices?

  3. candybars. i can spend 15 min. and still not decide

  4. I will have to say Cereals, I'm in the isle like 10 minutes deciding.=)

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