
Which snake is less aggressive?

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I need the least aggresive snake possible, doesnt have to be small but just not aggressive and not posinous :].

Please and thank you.




  1. ball pythons are sometimes called the children's snake because of their docile demener.  

  2. Three possible choices for you would be:

    - The ever so common Ball Python

    - Another famous snake, Corn Snake

    - The small and gorgeous Kenyan Sand Boa

    All are non-venomous!

    All three snakes are typically docile, placid, and easy snakes to care for. But, every snake can be aggressive regardless of species, it all depends on the snake itself. I happen to have a Ball Python who has struck at me multiple times. They DO NOT have fangs (as the other person mentioned) so when they are young you barely even feel it, but as adults its possible they can draw blood. Same goes for corn snakes. Although, the Kenyan Sand Boa, being the smallest out of the bunch I've never heard of it striking - and due to its size, I'm certain it could NOT draw blood, I'm not even sure if you'd feel it.

    All three snakes are great candidates for beginner snakes. I'm sure you will get a lot of hype from both Ball Pythons and Corn Snakes due to their popularity in the trade, but really consider the Kenyan Sand Boa - its small, very docile, and very easy to care for, plus you'll wind up spending A LOT less on them since they are burrowing snakes and do not need hides, plants, logs, and such. Plus you can keep them in a plastic container with air holes!

    It all depends on your preference, consider those three, and whatever other choices people give you - do some research and follow your instinct. Good luck in getting your snake, they're quite addicting and all around wonderful pets to have!

    Here are som care sheets for each:

    Kenyan Sand Boa:

    Ball Python:

    Corn Snake:

    Hope I helped, and again, good luck!

  3. Only venomous snakes have fangs. Some snakes have larger teeth than others, especially pythons and boas. Corn snakes are one of the least aggressive snakes in general you can buy. Garter snakes are also fairly docile and their teeth are too small to cause much pain if any. Ball pythons are a good pick as they are usually shy and reluctant to bite.  

  4. My husband wanted a snake, I asked the pple at pet-co the same ?... the answer and our new pet is a corn snake!

  5. Garter snakes. They can be found almost anywhere. They are not aggressive or poisonous at all, and they are more afraid of you then you are of them.  

  6. ball pythons are known to be docile and just curl up when threatened. but if they happen to bite, they do have fangs.

    corn snakes dont have fangs. So if they bite, it will basically just be a scare for you lol. My corn snake never EVER bit me. You should get a corn snake.

  7. garter snake or corn snake

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