
Which snowboard should I buy?

by  |  earlier

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I have only been on a snowboard a few times but i do think i have been promoted to intermediate. like everybody else, i want the perfect snowboard.

i have been looking more for a freestyle boards so far.

i was thinking 153-4 cm for me (im 5'7", 170ish)

i dont think i want a burton, it seems that everybody has one and i am not one who likes to follow everybody. i dont really know....

any boards that you's think would fit me, let me know. tips and/or comments are also appreciated.

thank you !!!




  1. I'm a similar weight/height build and i've been looking for next season myself, as i look to invest on a wise choice.

    Firstly, don't be put off by a brand. The reason that alot of folks have Burton is because they're a very good brand!

    Size-wise, i'd be inclined to say that you should maybe try something a little shorter if its freestyle you're after. Prefer speed/cruising riding myself and i was advised to go for a 154-157 length, so i suppose that freestyle = shorter, more flexible board.

  2. since the lable matters to you wach some sposerd snowboarding find someone u like and get thier board

  3. ok so if your looking for a good intermediate level freestyle board.  i would highly recommend the forum reacon.  they make plenty of sizes in the forum reacon and it is usually at a good price.  If your not liking the forum reacon i would check out the actually sites of some of the brands that you are interested in, cause the sites can offer more information on the boards then i can.   another thing to do is to go to this site that actually works as a snowboard sizing calculator and i find it very helpful.   Good luck and hope i helped.

  4. If you don't want to fallow everybody why are asking for their opinion? Go to you local shop and talk with the guys there. Or better yet try some out. Each board is very different. Get an idea what kind of board you want and I'm not taking about the graphic by riding, not by asking a bunch of pre-teens that snowboard once a year. Go to the guys that live and breath the snow.    

  5. Please ignore the advice about boards "to your chin" etc - that is only a rough guess to estimate the size of your board. Try a snowboard size calculator which will also give you some board suggestions:

    I would say about 150 to 152 - maybe a little longer if you are still growing and want to "grow into" your new board.

    I would forget about Burton - especially if you want a freestyle board. I would suggest looking at boards from Rome, K2, Lib Tech, Gnu

    Good Luck

  6. I'd say at your height and weight you should go with something that comes up to about the level of your chin.  The brand that you get is a matter of personal preference.

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