
Which socioeconomic ism is more compatible with the Christian creed: Communism, Socialism, or Capitalism?

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creed �� (krd) KEY �


A formal statement of religious belief; a confession of faith.

A system of belief, principles, or opinions: laws banning discrimination on the basis of race or creed; an architectural creed that demanded simple lines.




  1. Probably what communism is IN THEORY.

    But based on how things really work, capitalism.

  2. Definitely not Socialism because people pay with the sweat of their brow to pay for the  laziness of others .

    In Communist there is no unemployment because the government  enslaves the people and controls the means of production and historically communist governments have tried to destroy creed , religion and other free thinking because the leaders want to control their subjects .

           Marxism , may be compatible in theory .  However , it doesn't seem to work in the real world .

        The founders of the U.S. bill of rights and Constitution created the foundation of a capitalist government that is very compatible with the Christian creed .

  3. Technically, perfect communism would be the perfect fulfillment of the Christian teachings; the first disciples of Jesus lived in communes and were one of the few groups in history to actually practice perfect communism.

    However, the world has learned by painful trial and error that communism as a government simply doesn't work. Government, by its definition, enforces laws; and a system in which there are people responsible for enforcing communism will inevitably lead to a dictatorship when the enforcers become corrupt.

    Socialism and capitalism are probably safer for preserving the freedom dictated by Christian principles, as far as national governments go. I'd say that the ideal system would probably be closer to socialism than to pure capitalism--pure capitalism, like perfect communism, is another system that could be compatible with Christian values, but only with enough voluntary goodwill among members of the community to ensure that everyone gets taken care of. Since that seems not to happen in human nature, socialism is probably best.

  4. Capitalism. Agency is extremely key in Christianity. Capitalism was born from the protestant ethic. Think about all of the 'protestant' sayings that go along with capitalism. 'Early to bed early to rise, makes a man healthy, WEALTHY, and wise." "Early bird gets the worm." "A penny saved is a penny earned." Capitilism was born from the protestant movement, can't get any more 'compatible' than that.

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