
Which sociological theory ... and why?

by Guest61868  |  earlier

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Which sociological theory would you use to explain terrorism and why?

Which theory best explains terrorism?

What theories can be applied to terrorism?




  1. Sounds like the first challenge is to know some of the possible theories.  You may have that information in a textbook.  You can also search your local library (college library would be best) catalog by subject...

    type: sociology - dictionaries

    or:  sociology - encyclopedias

    You'll find descriptions of sociological theories in these types of books.

    If you have access to a database such as JStor you may locate articles such as this..

    Toward a Scientific Theory of Terrorism

    Roberta Senechal de la Roche

    Sociological Theory, Vol. 22, No. 1, Theories of Terrorism: A Symposium (Mar., 2004), pp. 1-4   (article consists of 4 pages)

    Published by: American Sociological Association

  2. Perhaps Rational Choice Theory, because it is assumed that terrorists must decide and plot before a catastrophe.  But you might be stepping on some toes with others if you recommend that terrorism might be rational for some.

    Conflict theory sounds like your best bet, because conflict theory boils down to one word:  POWER.  

    Hope this helps.  Clint

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