
Which song should I sing?

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I have an audition on the 16th for acting and singing, and which song should I select a part out of to sing?

I Am Changing (DreamGirls)

or Listen (DreamGirls)

I have a pretty powerful voice, and can do both high and low, and a 13 year old girl

I know you would really have to hear me to pick, but just which song do you think would be better for an audition. Local representatives from local musical theatres will be there.


God bless :)




  1. I would chose the song you feel you do better. The more confident you are at whatever you sing, the better you will perform. Don't forget that at an auditon they are looking for more than the ability to sing.They are also looking for 'stage presence', something that comes automatically if you are absolutely confident in what you are doing.  

  2. Do whichever one you feel most comfortable with.

    But personally i would say "I am changing"

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