
Which soup is the healthiest/lowest calorie to eat when sick??

by Guest62949  |  earlier

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I need a soup that i can eat cause i am sick.

i dont really want chicken noodle.

and i looked online..and something campbell's, progresso, or healthy choice. but the light/low calorie versions.

however, on most of these-the low calorie versions have high sodium. and the low sodium have high calorie! it sucks!

i think low calorie is more important though..

but which soup is best? something vegetable-y?

nd how much is a serving on soups in a can?

1 cup of the cooked soup? or what





  1. How about low sodium chicken broth.

  2. well right now your sick so who cares if its good or bad for you cuase being sick no matter waht it is makes you lose weight and gets all the bad things out of you

  3. Celery soup is certainly the lowest calories. Combined healthy and nutrious I'd say maybe lentil soup.

  4. Progresso has a weight watchers soup that is 60 cal per serving, 120 cal for the whole can.

    There are about 6 different varities and they all say 0 points on the front, they're great.

  5. I would worry about getting better more than watching calories. I love to eat miso soup when I'm sick. And you can buy those easy packets in the store.  

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