
Which source is the best to find out the correct air pressure to run in my tires on my car??

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Car mfg.? Tire Mfg.? (on the side of the tire) Tire shop? etc.




  1. The correct tire pressure for you car is on a decal on the drivers door jamb or in the glove compartment dont use the pressure thats on the tire.

  2. it is on the sticker/stamp in the door on most cars. on a volkwagon it is on the inside of gas cap. on a honda it is on the inside of the glove box.  

  3. Owners manual,tire decal on door jam or car mfg.

  4. The car manufacturer of course.  Tire manufacturers, the Rubber Manufacturers Association and the Tire Industry Association ALL recommend you follow the inflation guidelines for your vehicle as determined by the folks who built the car.  This information can usually be found on the Vehicle Information Tag normally located inside the drivers door frame but sometimes found inside the glove box door, fuel door or on some Nissan models under the center console lid.

    There is no inflation pressure recommendation printed on the sidewall of any tire by the way, only a safety warning about the maximum pressure the tire is designed to sustain.

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