
Which <span title="poet?....................................................?">poet?.......................</span>

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For my honors English class, our latest assignment is to choose a poet from the American Poet Laureate list, pick a poem of theirs(analyze it), and do a very short presentation on their life and work. I have a fat load of homework, so I don't have time to research every single poet from the following list. Could some of you poetry savvy people recommend a poet from this list that wrote decent poems and has/had an interesting life? I have until Monday, the 25th to choose a poet. List: * 2008–2009 Kay Ryan

* 2007–2008 Charles Simic

* 2006–2007 Donald Hall

* 2004–2006 Ted Kooser

* 2003–2004 Louise Glück

* 2001–2003 Billy Collins

* 2000–2001 Stanley Kunitz

* 1999–2000 Special Bicentennial Consultants: Rita Dove, Louise Glück and W.S. Merwin

* 1997–2000 Robert Pinsky

* 1995–1997 Robert Hass

* 1993–1995 Rita Dove

* 1992–1993 Mona Van Duyn

* 1991–1992 Joseph Brodsky

* 1990–1991 Mark Strand

* 1988–1990 Howard Nemerov

* 1987–1988 Richard Wilbur

* 1986–1987 Robert Penn Warren

* 1985–1986 Gwendolyn Brooks

* 1984–1985 Reed Whittemore (Interim Consultant in Poetry)

* 1984–1985 Robert Fitzgerald (Appointed and served in a health-limited capacity, but did not come to LC)

* 1982–1984 Anthony Hecht

* 1981–1982 Maxine Kumin

* 1978–1980 William Meredith

* 1976–1978 Robert Hayden

* 1974–1976 Stanley Kunitz

* 1973–1974 Daniel Hoffman

* 1971–1973 Josephine Jacobsen

* 1970–1971 William Stafford

* 1968–1970 William Jay Smith

* 1966–1968 James Dickey

* 1965–1966 Stephen Spender

* 1964–1965 Reed Whittemore

* 1963–1964 Howard Nemerov

* 1961–1963 Louis Untermeyer

* 1959–1961 Richard Eberhart

* 1958–1959 Robert Frost

* 1956–1958 Randall Jarrell

* 1952 William Carlos Williams (appointed but did not serve)

* 1950–1952 Conrad Aiken (First to serve two terms)

* 1949–1950 Elizabeth Bishop

* 1948–1949 Leonie Adams

* 1947–1948 Robert Lowell

* 1946–1947 Karl Shapiro

* 1945–1946 Louise Bogan

* 1944–1945 Robert Penn Warren

* 1943–1944 Allen Tate

* 1937–1941 Joseph Auslander





  1. robert frost

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