
Which species are being affected by global warming?

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Which species are being affected by global warming?




  1. Penguins and Polar bears

  2. Currently, there are no species which have experienced a negative impact due to the 1 degree warming.

    The polar bears are doing better now than ever. The story about polar bears dying was a complete LIE.

  3. everything is affected. Its like saying what species are affected by the sun.

  4. polar bears.


  6. Probably the gross majority of them.  But you have to realize it won't always be a bad thing.  Throughout the geological record, biodiversity has ALWAYS increased as the Earth warmed.  So while it may be sad to see some species die off due to their inability to adapt (like the polar bears) there will most certainly be several new species formed as existing species adapt to live in the new climate.  Of course all of this it outside our very narrow scope of existence on the planet so it is often ignored since we'll never live to see the increased biodiversity.

  7. Artic floras and faunas possibly.

  8. polar bears, the ice is melting and the bears are loseing ground and they are drowning to death

  9. None, because Global Warming is not a fact but rather a theory. Global Warming as defined by Al Gore and his minions is not a universal truth but rather an idea agreed upon by some. Keep in mind that there are many scientists that do NOT belive in Global Warming at all. At this time there is absolutely ZERO concrete proof that there is Global Warming and until there is, I'm not going to let the idea control the way I live my life.

  10. Many.  But the one that pops into my mind because they are of immediate concern are the polar bears.  They are dying by the multitudes.  The bears spend most of their time hunting and raising their young on ice floes.  But with the Arctic Shelf melting, they are literally drowning because of the long distances they have to swim in between ice floes.  Plus the changing environment is forcing the polar bears to change their living and hunting habits.  They are beginning to go inland to beaches and populated areas for food and shelter.

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