
Which species produce the loudest noise?

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Which species produce the loudest noise?




  1. Reptile

  2. my brother's gf... she is a very odd species.. loud and obnoxious

  3. humans...they can get extremely loud...beware of them...lolzz

  4. The human beings at my pool tonight, they are screaming and yelling and it's after 11 here....

    Also, the kids at Target, screaming and taking fits on their mothers, while the mothers ignore it, and make us all suffer.

    I have studied animals all my life, but nothing is as loud as an obnoxious person.  Maybe a baboon is louder---I believe it's a toss up.

  5. ahmm....pig

  6. Male cicada is the perfect answer.......

  7. Women when you......TEHE

  8. My ant farm has produced the biggest noise out of all my 103 animals! [i mostly collect BUGS]

  9. The blue whale is the loudest animal on Earth! This endangered mammal is also the largest animal that ever lived on Earth; it is larger than any of the giant dinosaurs were.

    Blue whales mostly emit very loud, highly structured, repetitive low-frequency rumbling sounds that can travel for many miles underwater. These songs may be used for communicating with other blue whales, especially in order to attract and find mates.

    The call of the blue whale reaches levels up to 188 decibels. This extraordinarily loud whistle can be heard for hundreds of miles underwater. Theoretical calculations by Roger Payne and Douglas Webb (from the 1970's) predicted that the loudest whale sounds might be transmitted across an entire ocean. The blue whale is much louder than a jet, which reaches only 140 decibels! Human shouting is 70 decibels; sounds over 120 decibels are painful to human ears. The second-loudest animal on Earth is the howler monkey (Alouatta) from the jungles of Central and South America.

    I hope I helped!

  10. Blue whale.

    Upwards 12000 decibels, but too low frequency to hear.

  11. Some dolphins use a high energy shockwave to stun fish.

  12. The blue whale is the animal that makes the loudest sound in the world. the loudest land animal is the howler monkey.

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