
Which specific women's issues are 'equalists' currently fighting for?

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Which specific women's issues are 'equalists' currently fighting for?




  1. I'm egalitarian.  I think that laws should be written gender neutral and policy should be made in that manner as well.  I support a woman's right to bodily integrity.  I just support a man's right as well.

  2. Fighting for womens issues would be sexist not equalist.


  3. Domestic Violence laws are for men and women.

    Sorry just thought i would point that out.

  4. Maybe you could list some men's issues feminists are fighting for since they claim to be for 'equality'?

    Maybe there are some issues women have? I don't see any worth fighting for.

    Even feminists know that, and that's why they're finding other things to whine about, like video games for kids under 6:;...

  5. I am not an equalist, but don't you think women have enough rights already e.g. the domestic violence laws (Section 4 here

    ... or 'equality' laws like these?

  6. Women belong at the stove or in the bed. 'Nuff said.

  7. You're right Sam, we should all form militant divisive self centred groups and to h**l with everyone else.

  8. lol, that is a case of the kettle.........

  9. To ensure that women have equal access to health care, better and more accurate screening and diagnostic imaging methods for breast pathology in the female, cervical pathology, etc., access to fundamental civil rights, more appropriate restrooms with more stalls as female genitourinary physiology demands that such matters be addressed, amongst many, many other things.  There's no hateful agenda under the "equalist" agenda.  This "equalist movement" is a movement by normative human beings in the interest of advancing humanity.

    Such human beings are employed in the fields of, amongst others, the Natural Sciences & Mathematics.

    Those who genuinely have an interest in advancing humanity don't need a proper "label," per se.  We do it because we care, and we devote our lives to the advancement of humanity (at a great personal sacrifice).

  10. just by the answers seen here. women's equlaist still have a lot of work to do. they are fighting for equalty among the sexes

  11. The right to remain silent?

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