
Which sport do you enjoy most: softball, basketball, or volleyball?

by  |  earlier

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Which sport do you enjoy most: softball, basketball, or volleyball?




  1. basketball! but volleyball comes in close second...i really dont like softball.

  2. Volleyball it is the easiest too

  3. Volleyball for sure!

  4. i played all three for years and it was always a toss up between softball and volleyball but i think i enjoy softball then volleyball and then basketball

  5. Yo i enjoy playing basketball even tho I needed knee surgery after my freshmen season this year.

  6. hard question. i would probaly say volleyball. i like it because you dont actually have to throw the ball,which i have trouble with. i also like how it is so different from all other sports. i think it is cool that you can always improve,even thought the game itself is pretty simple

    hope i helped!! ♥<33♥

  7. ALL OF DEM but i <3333 volleyball da best soooo awesome

  8. VOLLEYBALL!! wooo!

  9. Volleyball

  10. Volleyball is the best by far!! People don't realize it, but it takes a lot of energy and it is so much fun to play. In order from favorite to least favorite:

    1. Volleyball

    2. Basketball

    3. Softball

  11. volleyball and softball definatly.

    not sure between those two

  12. Volleyball............ duh ........... iv'e been playing it for 2.5 years....

  13. this should be under poll and surverys you would get alot more order from 1-3

    1. volleyball

    2. softball

    3. basketball


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