
Which sport do you think is the easiest to become an olympian in?

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Which sport do you think is the easiest to become an olympian in?




  1. American Bashing. Sino-Pak,Tin-Tin and Bill (the moron from Calgary) are all medalists, so you can see it takes no brains to be good at it.

  2. I'd say they all take dedication. But the easiest would probably be an event like archery as it is not one of the most popular events and so less money is spent in it which means less of a challenge then in an event like running or swimming.

  3. equestrian--the horse does all the work!

    shooting--less physicality required (oldest competitors in this sport)

  4. Sprint running. ^_^  I'm in the track team, and I run at 9.49.

    So i might say, this one is really easy.

  5. definitely not swimming like the other person said, since it requires a lot of natural talent (like running)

    none of them is easy but i'd have to say ones that least people participate in around the globe

  6. Bobsledding.    

  7. To the dude who said swimming: Swimming is incredibly hard to make the games for the USA team, I know many incredible swimmers who have tried. It's actually getting ridiculous in the US. Maybe not so in other countries. Take it from a former swimmer and coach. What they are doing in the pool now, in terms of traing at even before the high school level is nuts. Swimming is a serious business in the US right now. No way it is easiest.

  8. There is no sport that is easy. All of them require some kind of elite physical skill and many years of training. In curling it takes strong abdominals for sweeping and decades of mastering the sport to become an Olympian.

    Target shooting doesn't require athleticism but in a nation of 100 million gun owners such as the United States, the competition is intense.

    If a sport was easy it would not be included in the Olympics.

    Edit: In bobsledding, you need to run a 30 meter sprint in 4 seconds with a vertical leap of 30 inches. There is alot of explosiveness needed to push a bobsled before hopping in and driving down the track. On top of this it takes years of training to master each track and the fundamentals of driving a bobsled. The same applies to luge and skeleton. It is the start where all the strength is.

  9. Swimming. Nobody swims anymore. Everybody wants to be a pro football, baseball, basketball player, etc. It eliminates the competition.

  10. pole vault

  11. to the guy who said swimming . . . in a sport where the World Record was shattered in virtually every event, I would hardly say there wasn't any "competition."  I thinka sport like crew (rowing), or weight lifting might be easier.  Something that takes a lot of strength but a small amount of skill.  I also think that moving to a country like Uzbekistan (sp??) would make it easier.

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