
Which sport is more demanding??

by  |  earlier

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is basketball or tennis more physically, emotionally demanding.

please take into consideration the length and amount of time-outs, how long the season is, etc.




  1. tennis.

  2. Soccer.

    I mean look at the size of the field and the length of the game. Even injuries are feined so that the teams are not penalized. I you lose you get the ire of the thousands of fans attending the game almost instantaneously. I think it is the most emotionally, physically and mentally draining sport with American Football and Basketball following behind for team sports.

    Hope this helps.

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    If that two is the case then it's Tennis. Most of the time you only have individual matches. Plus there is no time limit. Unless you put in the required points the matches goes on and on. No wonder many players either resign the match or gets injured in the process. And I love watching Maria Sharapova bouncing in anticipation of a serve hehehe. And Tennis rallies are so fun to watch.

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    hCiR: I do play basketball, and yes it's a straining sport. But what makes it easier is that you have teammates who you can pass to.

    If your tired someone can subtitute for you... That's not the case in tennis where you have to play althroughout the match. Another thing is the time constraint in Basketball you play a standard 40 minutes or 48 minutes if you are professional and an extra 5 minutes in case the score is still not settled in regulation.

    Again that is not the case for tennis where in matches can go for number of hours to score those points. Plus the exhausting part of catching where the ball bounces once it hits the court... It's really a difficult sport that relies on endurance and strong will to win.

  3. I think basketball... But hey, I've seen tennis players vomit like they are really tired.

  4. Wow, i am going through everyone that posted about how tennis is more physically AND emotionally straining and people on this thread said tennis!? Are you serious!

    Tennis you focus on one player and the ball, you dont have as much running, remember that when you play basketball you have to run and dribble the ball even when your tired, and a note to KRS who said people can just sub in, not true the coach wont sub in a starter in the 4th quarter with 50 seconds left even if they are tired.

    I play basketball and I know people who play tennis and basketball is more of a demand, at my HS the tennis players dont have to go to practice everyday, but for basketball you do because if you dont you will get cut from the team.

    To sum it up basketball is a more straining sport considering what you have to do on the court, running the plays, defending your opponent full court, ect.

  5. Tennis

    1 opponent

    A net Halfway Point Of The Court

    Lots Of Running and Swing


    5 opponents (Beating The $h!T Out Of You)

    Using The Full Length Of The Court

    Running, Jumping, Diving, Falling or Being Hit To The Ground

    I'd Say Basketball  

  6. I'd say Tennis. Tennis players can be on the court for up to 5 hours..usually less, but also sometimes more. They have time-outs, but they're only meant for in case injuries happen. I'd say tennis is more of a mental game, basketball is more of an execution game If they're tired they can't just have someone substitute in for them, if they're tired they play on. The tennis season is basically 11 months, although they don't play as frequently as basketball players

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