I am 16 years old male, and never played a sport in a team. Except for soccer when I was 8, and Taekwondo until I was 13.
I am 5 feet 9 inches male. I weigh 175 pounds.
I am getting stronger and stronger from weight lifting. My body is getting really toned, especially my upper body.
I get quite scared when somebody throws me a football, or any kind of ball. I catch it, but with a lot of hesitation.
When ever I get into a sport, I tend to quit because I don't get anything achieved in the first 2 months.
But I have seen, after long exposure to the game and practice - I get good.
After watching the Olympic Games 2008, I finally decided that I should be dedicated to one sport, but I don't know.
Michael Phelps achievements attracted and inspired me, as well as did Shawn Johnson. The running also attracted me.
When I watched the Superbowl (American football, NFL), I wanted to become a quaterback, or a Y-Reciever.
When I watched FIFA, or EURO-CUP, I really wanted to become a soccer star.
I wouldn't consider myself Athletic for the reason that I never dedicated myself to a sport. A lot of my friends say, " Wow, you're the most un-athletic person I ever seen in my entire life."