
Which sport looks better on a college application, Squash or Swimming?

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Which sport looks better on a college application, Squash or Swimming?




  1. They'll look equally good, as long as you dedicate yourself to one and commit yourself fully.  In that vein, pick whichever one you will perform better in/enjoy more.

  2. ..... all sports are good,

    the ones that conditions your body,

    gives you a chance to train with a team,

    helps in mental growth as well, makes your body strong,

    is not too much taxing on your physical,

    leaves some energy for studies as well,



  3. I interview applicants for an Ivy League university, and I must say I enjoy reading such a comic question...I love satire, and if there's a good class of subject for satire, it is shallowness.

    What do you want to play; squash, swimming, or neither? Let me guess, neither, right?

    ***Find a college good for you, don't just be good for a college.***

    Unless you are a state champ, I don't think any college is going to care about which sport you note on your application. If you don't play any sports at all, that might be sad, but that sadness might just be the ticket to a niche spot in the accepted class.

    I thought of saying "good luck, kid," but luck is not the way.

  4. team sports are better, i think. cause teamwork, cooperation and all those are learned in team sports.

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