
Which sport should i join in college? ?

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hey all. well i was in my schools' swim team and badminton team in primary school. in secondary school, present time, i was in my schools' table tennis team.

college is next for me in february next year. i love sports but im in a dilemma. i like vollyball, tennis, outdoor activities club, dragon boating, kayaking, canoeing, netball, basketball.

see how huge my dilemma is. please tell me what you like best and give me reasons. thanks alot!




  1. i would go for basketball. its one of my fave sports. it will get you in really good shape in arms and legs. You can also play it competitively.

  2. since you like so many,you have choices.follow your heart.

  3. well If you pretty tall or at least a good size and enjoy playing basketball than join basketball. I personally like football because you get the hit someone every play of the game and its really healthy for you but thats just me. it really is up to you and you should try paintball its a great sport to play when you have free time but your going to college so check if there is a paintball field near you good luck with college !! )


  4. i think you should go with volleyball or basketball because those are the best sports and they give you a good work out. and get you into shape.

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