
Which sports should I do to prepare me for track season next year? Especially for the 400 meters.?

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I am a freshman this year in high school, and I really liked my season this year. I got a 400 time of 55 seconds, and I really want to break 50 by senior year. However, i dont know which sports I should do to get me in good shape for track? This year I did cross counrty, which I heard is best for track, but I hated it because it was so boring. Id rather do water polo. I also did wrestling, but i broke my collarbone this year in the middle of the season. Im also worried that ill break it again, and that doing wrestling will make me slower when track comes. So what should I do?? Sorry about the long question..its just been really bugging me




  1. DO any sport that involves long sprint speeds i.e nfl, british foot ball, rugby and despite what any one tells you about swimming/water polo..... stay the h**l away from  the pool becuase it changes the fast twich muscle fibre to slow twich  which is obvously bad!!!! don't do sports that involve movements that aren't inway related to 400m becuase it changes your muscles memory and thus makes it hard for your muscles to recruite the nuerones once you start the atletics session.

    i agree with the 1st answer but remember do your training as fast as possible- the slower you train the more your body will get used to it and thus be slower too. i  don't agree with his/her answer in saying that you should do X miles. When doing the warm up start off by doing to laps then build up to about 15minutes of jogging.

    don't worry about your collerbone becuase when the bone undergoes  truama it gets more dense thus making it harder.

    this is i think wolfs law or wolfungs law or somthing llike that!


    REMEMBER STAY AWAY FROM THE POOL AT ALL COSTS (different muscles are used thus changing your muscles composition)

  2. Soccer might help since you do different amounts of sprinting.

    No sport is going to be best for you. You should be doing off season training for track to improve at track.

    Lift weights, do plyometrics, and run stadium bleachers or stairs, run 3 to 5 miles 5 days each week.

    Training 5 to 6 days each week is the way to be better at your event.

  3. try swimming or any sport that involves alot of running

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