
Which sports should be removed from the olympics and why?

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i believe the IOC is thinking of taking some out for 2012, which would you chop?




  1. I agree with 'Scottish_Lass'... all of them it is a waste of time, money, effort. It is bad for the environment, the country it is held in etc etc...

    We all know some people can run faster than others, why then do we have to, every four years, prove it.

  2. dressage ,i mean for god sake who wants to watch horses walking in slow motion

    speed walking

    yeah rite

  3. I wouldn't take out any and I would put softball and baseball back in. I hope those sports are successful in their petitions.  

  4. Swimming and athletics and if possible Baseball and Basketball.

  5. Power walking!!.. U phucken kiddin' me?.. This is not a got dang sport!!

  6. Most likely badminton doubles. They will probably change the format to team badminton like what they have done in table tennis

  7. BMX racing, synchronized diving, handball, field hockey

  8. Synchronized swimming I mean come on how stupid is that as a sport.

  9. them all i hate the olympics....i find the olympics boring!!!  

  10. I would take out Handball because its like football without the tackling, its like basketball without the dribbling, its just dumb.

    I would also take out Water Polo, I think that the way the cameras are set, you can't see whats happening, and I also think that throwing a ball in the the water, swimming to the other side, they trying to throw it again isn't that fun...

    I would take archery too, its more of a hobby then a "Olympic Sport"


  11. baseball will be dropped. Table tennis should be dropped coz chinese are over dominating at the moment. Should let it rest for so the world can catch up.  

  12. Taekwondo after that judge got attacked by the Cuban athlete

  13. Dang, several people above listed mine already.

    Race walking:  This drives me nuts when I watch it.  It's almost

    impossible to determine if they're walking or jogging.  Stupid event.

    Team Handball:  h**l, me and a bunch of guys from work could

    practice a little and do good in this sport.

  14. I read that the British, want golf  as another Olympic sport. I am thinking that they were for  their influence on the International Olympic Committee, who lobbied to be removed from the agenda the Olympic Baseball and Softball, and wanted to delete, also fencing, with the excuse, that very the few countries practiced, or was an outdated sport. With respect to those who play golf for me is not a sport, only a show,  a hobie an entertainment. It was painful to have eliminated these sports, for the next Olympiad.

  15. Archery and Handball can be removed.

  16. they should take out the ones that great Britain a s**+* at so i would say all of them so they should come up with so more sports like fishing

  17. Horse riding, synchronized swimming, tennis, baseball, power walking.

    They are all very very boring.  

  18. Boxing.

    In all honesty I don't think boxing has a place anymore as the current scoring system at the olympics isn't showing the sport at it's best.  

    I'm not talking about the 'raised eyebrows'  judging of Bejing I'm thinking more of how too many good fighters are losing out just because they refuse to fight scrappy.  Shame really.

  19. Water polo, beach volleyball, power walking, tennis and synchronised swimming. The latter is very nice to watch IF we get overhead shots of it. But sport? I think not. Oh, and this will probably go down like a lead balloon but football should get tossed too. We see enough bloody football without having it as an Olympic event.

  20. badminton

  21. Handball

  22. Frankly? Some of the swimming events. Those where it's exactly the same people winning them as win the others.

    I think where events overlap so much that it's normal (not occasional) for them to have exactly the same competitors, and even the same winners, they should be one Olympic event and one gold medal only.  

  23. Handball.

    I would say power walking- such a weird 'sport'- but winning a medal in the 20m and 50km walk makes it harder to say it!

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