
Which sports story are you tired of hearing about?

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Donaghy or Favre?




  1. Its the Brett Favre story by far. In the end he will be the starting quarterback for the Packers anyway. I don't know why they are creating all this drama

  2. Being a Cowboy fan I will say Brett Favre. Come on man. Im with VP on the NBA. Here locally all they seem to try to alk about is TO and every step he takes.

  3. I actually think that the Hamilton story is nice. It's really great to hear about someone who turned their life around so drastically. As long as they don't go over-board with it, I think most fans will continue to feel that way.

    However, Favre is a different story. Every time I turn on ESPN, there's something about Bret highlights, retirement speech, discussions...whatever. That story is really losing its luster quickly.

  4. Both are killing me but Favre retired and wants special treatment because he says he wants to come back. Basketball has been corrupt for years now and it doesn't surprise me but that story is getting old too. I want to hear more about the awsome night Josh Hamilton has last night, and the game tonight, not about Favre.

  5. Brett Favre story is getting very moldy

    and so is Donaghy's

  6. Josh Hamilton. Love him but no. It's taken over baseball.

  7. Im tired of hearing about ARODs off firld prolems with his marriage and who he might and might not be sleeping with. Lets see positive stories like Hamilton doing great and the Rays leading AL east for a while.

  8. I don't pay attention to the NBA. Favre is a tiring story - that's all the guys on ESPN talk about when it comes to the NFL these days.

  9. Brett Favre

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