
Which sprint cup drivers should race full time in the craftsman instead of sprint cup?

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my picks were

dario franchitti

makr martin(yea he runs good but he was supposed to retire two seaons ago)

dale jarret

kyle petty

jeremy mayfield

john andretti

robby gordon

afterall johnny benson, bobby hamilton, todd bodine all ran in sprint cup and look they seem to be doing good.




  1. Kyle Petty, he can't do much worse in a truck than he does in a car, maybe he should give it a shot.

  2. Dario Franchetti

    Sam Hornish

    Paul Menard

    Regan Smith

    Dave Blaney

    Mike Waltrip

  3. Mark Martin and Dale Jarret no but the rest ya.

  4. Sentimental favorite to stay is Kyle Petty and Robby Gordon needs to stay in Sprint.  He's an owner driver and credit to him for it.

  5. I like Casey Mears but I think him driving in the truck series for a few years might help him get his confidence back and come back up to the cup series and be successful.

  6. Dario Franchitti--I think that he would do much better in truck then in cup.

  7. Robby Gordon. He's just like young drivers like Willie Allen and T.J Bell- always hits the wall and screws up early

  8. I think that all of the F1 drivers should have to drive in the trucks or Nationwide for a couple of years before trying It in the cup cars. I'm not so sure that David Reutimann and MWR's other driver in the 00 are ready for the cup series yet. David does great in Nationwide but not so good in the cup series. He's a good friend so  I'm not picking on him at all.

  9. My picks: JJ Yely

                     Michael McDowell

                     David Reuttiman

                     Dario Franchtti

                     Sam Hornish

                     Regan Smith

  10. Kenny Schrader

    John Andretti

    Robby Gordon

    Patrick Carpentier

    Among others...

  11. Kyle Petty, Ken Schrader, and Sterling

  12. david ragon aj allmindiger and brian vickers

  13. i disagree with the mark martin

    and jarret is retired

    the rest look good though

    yeah and kyle's gonna stay

  14. i think the open-wheelers should spend a little time there, or at least in the nationwide series, like scott speed is doing in trucks and arca. he's getting good seat time battling with the up-and-comers and the cagey veterans in the truck series and he's doing well. better to go that route than the jacques villaneuve route of being rideless before 1/4 way through the season.

    problem is, after making millions, becoming famous in open wheel, and being champions in the top series there, most open-wheelers who come over now aren't going to take the step to a "third tier" series, and who could afford them. scott speed never did all that well in formula one, so he wasn't a "marquee" athlete to begin with.

    i think that after this next season, mark martin should go back to trucks - he ran a number of races there a couple years ago and watching him and kyle compete with the regulars was great fun. it met his requirements for a less-demanding schedule (especially personal and sponsor appearances) and he was really good at it - he won 6 of 14 races he ran back in 2006. he could get a championship there...

    i would like to see robby gordon there while sprint cup racing, then as he phases out of sprint cup to see him land there would be great. he'll make a great "grizzled veteran" like hornaday, skinner, and the like. he just seems like the kind of guy ready to do some beating and banging with those truck guys. on that note, i wouldn't mind seeing tony stewart in a truck race or two - he'd be fun to watch.

    as for jarrett and petty, i think moving to behind the camera is/will be the best for them and for us. the rest need to go somewhere, because they aren't cutting it in cup.

  15. dale jr.

  16. Totally Jeff Gordan

  17. I agree that dario and john should.... and others who are not finishing great. We need to make room for the young drivers who can suceed

  18. I think you got them all right except for Robbie Gordon.

  19. I think jamie mac needs to drop down to the truck races, or at least the nationwide race

  20. Dario for sure

    Martin.. naw

    DJ? He's flippin retired!

    Petty.. naw

    Mayfield.. yes

    Andretti.. naw, he's doing his own thing in the Indycar Series

    Gordon.. naw

  21. Instead of?

    Mark Martin and Robby Gordon can hit the top 10 on good days...

    The rest (except Kyle Petty) should probably make room for some of the up and coming Nationwide drivers.  The Petty team will have a surge of money coming in and it may help Kyle get a few more sub 20 finishes...who knows.

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