
Which stanza should I use?

by Guest60402  |  earlier

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Which one, in your opinion, is better? A beginner poet, by the way. Trying to practice. I personally favor the first. What do you guys think?

1. The cemetery,

a different dimension,

where the air is contaminated

with nostalgia,

and distant cries of grief.

A surreal atmosphere,

like peering through a cloud.

2. The cemetery,

a dream-like dimension,


like peering through a cloud

and on laughing gas

at the same time,

except you're not laughing.




  1. 1st  

  2. The first one.

  3. Both are good efforts to be sure.  The second is less reliant on cliche' images.

    In the second option, you might wish to consider replacing "and on laughing gas"  with,,, ( while ) on laughing gas.  The word "and" in this case offers nothing to the verse.

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