
Which state and in what year did the last state break off from it's original state to create a new state?

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people in south florida want to divide the state into two seperate states, south florida and north florida. when was the last time something like this happened, and what was the state?




  1. I believe you will find that he Dakota Territory was created in 1861, which included most of the states of Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota and Washington. Due the the feeling of inadequate representation of the people living in the Dakota Territory it was split into the four states in 1889.

    Later the states of Arizonia and New Mexico were created out of the New Mexico Territory. Feb 1912

    The only one that I can think of where there was actually a split into two pieces of an orginally larger state would be

    West Virgina and Virginia. That occured on June 20, 1863

  2. West Virginia broke from Virginia in 1863.  All states that were added to the union subsequent to that were territories.  The one prior to that was Maine which broke from Massachusetts in 1820.

  3. West Virginia in 1863 separated from Virginia because of the Civil War...................

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