
Which state/city is more BEAUTIFUL? AtlantaGeorgia?SanDiego California?

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ok i plan on moving to Atlanta Georgia when I go to college. and if i dont like it im movin to SanDiego California. Which place is more interesting or more Beautiful? Its really hard to choose because im from Louisiana and i want to stay in the South and move to Georgia but California is also beautiful but I dont really like the enviorment. i just need advice on whats best please help!!!! I NEED ALL THE HELP I CAN GET!!!




  1. I can image which state/city is more BEAUTIFUL TO ME Atlanta Ga and  San Diego are the same beautiful city. I think in Chattanooga and Nashville  Tenn are much better and more beautiful state  and cities etc since I really enjoy being visit them very often.

  2. d**n, that's a hard question..

    As a California Native for 27+ years, SD is a very beautiful city, lots to do, the beaches and a lot less polluted than Los Angeles. Then again, Atlanta feels like my Southern home.. Excellent food, nice people.. I know I'm not much help.. If it was Atlanta or Los Angeles, I'd say Atlanta hands down.. =D

  3. This is so interesting, since I've lived in all three places at different times in my life!

    San Diego is the most beautiful and interesting, but it's extremely hard to afford to live there (my father's 3-bedroom house is worth nearly a million dollars), though they are very eco-conscious. Louisiana is the most affordable, but doesn't have all the opportunities that a more metropolitan place does (you can't beat home though). Atlanta is a great choice because it's still affordable (homes still available for under $200,000), very interesting, and has lots of opportunities.

    I've also lived in Virginia, which is extremely interesting from a historical perspective and affordable most places. I now live in Oklahoma. which is very affordable but is limited culturally and is probably last on the eco-consciousness scale.

    Personally, I'd like to move to Tucson, AZ, but then again I prefer a dry climate because of mold/mildew allergies.

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