
Which state has the least amount of gangs? ?

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i dont want to live in a gang infested town when i grow up! i want to feel safe




  1. Like someone before me said, probably Alaska. If you're looking in continental United States, probably South Dakota.

    I don't have any statistics off hands so I'm just answering out of perception.

  2. Montana. No question.

    I understand what you're saying, though. I live in Minneapolis and the gangs here are like effing cockroaches. They just kept reproducing and making the city disgusting. But I still love my city.

    Small town anywhere is a safe bet.

    Or even better, SUBURBS.

  3. alaska because thiers not that many gangs but then thier is alot of trouble its pretty much everywhere but alot of the gangs in alaska arent even real just a bunch of wannabes  

  4. i'm betting utah

  5. Look for the smallest town you can find...

    State by state won't help that much

  6. Why did you ask about which state then talk about a city...there are plenty of safe cities in every state.

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