
Which state in your opinion, has the worst drivers on the planet?

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I was going to say "women are the worst drivers ever" but now to think of it, most women are expert drivers from some experience.

I live here in Massachusetts and we have THE WORST DRIVERS EVER! They absolutely cannot drive!

To them, this is what the traffic signs and signals mean:

STOP SIGN: Just kinda stop and keep moving; don't bother looking left or right.

GREEN LIGHT: Hit the accelerator to 80 mph.

YELLOW LIGHT: Move faster, before it turns red!

RED LIGHT: If no ones looking, go through it.

PEDESTRIAN CROSS WALK (these are the yield signs on some crosswalks that you MUST stop to): Who the h**l cares? I've got a dentist appointment! Must go faster!

SPEED LIMIT: Does anyone pay attention to these? 35 mph? Nah, I think I'll go 80!

OBEYING THE 2 SECOND RULE BEHIND ANOTHER CAR: C'mon man! MOVE THAT PIECE OF JUNK OUT OF THE WAY NOW! (yes I've heard people like that scream out of the window, it's annoying as h**l when you're trying to obey the limit and people behind you honk like a bunch of morons).

I mean I could go on and on and on! Anyone disagree with me? Which state do you think sucks at driving? God, sometimes I feel like I'm the only one who can drive on the road...




  1. shreveport louisiana  they are nutty here also

  2. Not opinion but facts...............

    Seattle got on top of the list, followed by Burlington, VT, Portland, OR, and Madison, WI.

  3. By far the state of Insanity.

    Unfortunately you find residents from this state masquerading as being from somewhere else.

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