
Which states treat people who end up on the wrong side of the law with the most understanding?

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By that I mean, people who make one big mistake, don't intend to be repeat offenders, and just want to put the pieces of their life together. I also mean people who, due to extenuated circumstances, without a lawyer that cares, could end up being punished excessively. Not to mention states known for shady dealings behind closed doors.




  1. By "most understanding", you mean which state treats criminals like victims and victims like criminals?

    I'd say California.

    There is no "wrong" side of the law. You knew it, and you broke it. Accept the consequences of your behavior, or never be considered an adult.

  2. I don't know but I know Michigan treats people unfairly in a serious way.

    My boyfriend and I got into an arugment, he never hit me, never pushed me, didnt ever put his hands on me except to try and hug me to calm me down when I first started yelling, I HIT HIM, he only yelled at me and slammed a door as he was leaving,well the neighbors called the cops and I told them exactly what happened and he was already gone but told them later at a pretrial motion and he was put on probation for 2 years given a 500 fine plus 600 in probation costs and fees , sent to a domestic violence class that costs 100 a month for the next year and ordered a mental health evaulation....

    A girl that lives right by me told a friend she needed the keys to her car to get a book out but really she stole the girls car got into an accident and killed someone and got probation....HA!

  3. LA  =]

    EAST LA =]


  4. Well, I'd say those around Chicago.  First offenders get jobs in the political machine that runs everything.  That's pretty understanding.  

  5. I know what states to NOT go to (I work at a prison). But I would say probably states like Montana, Wyoming, so. Dakota. Ones less populated. Just a guess, no stats to go by.  

  6. I would say the state that does the best job of convicting them for their mistakes.  

    You probably mean which state lets them off most often..

  7. You mean which states nurture their criminals the most? Easy! California.


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