
Which story was more developed, harry potter vs. twilight? (please only answer if you've read BOTH series!)?

by Guest56788  |  earlier

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let me first just put out there that i'll always be more of a harry potter fan than i am of twilight -- i just liked it better. sorry!

but either way, heres my question: which series do you think is more defined -- as in, completely devleloped characters, no gaping plotholes, etc?




  1. Harry Potter - Rowling developed an entire history and mythology for the world that she created in her books. According to interviews, she wrote volumes of backstory that she was never able to work into the series. Meyer tells a passably interesting story, but her characters are mostly flat and the plot is fairly thin.

  2. harry potter series...i mean look at the plot and all...

  3. Harry Potter obviously. Twilight is chock-full of plot holes and there were WAY too many new characters introduced in BD, and many of the main characters were really out of character- thats not good character development. And in Twilight Bella mostly stays the same, she just like "omg Edward is hot" the whole time. That also, is not character development. Harry Potter on the other hand, grows from a kid to being almost a man in the series. The other characters all grow and develop too. There are hardly any plot holes, and the whole series is more well planned out in general. Harry Potter pwns Twilight, end of story.

  4. JK Rowling spent about 15 years developing the world of Harry Potter. She planned out the entire plot, all of the characters, and even tiny little details before she even started seriously writing. She even spent time researching ideas for names and spells. I bet Rowling spent more time developing the game of Quidditch than Meyer spent developing her entire series.

    Obviously, Harry Potter is way more developed than Twilight. I'm surprised you even had to ask this question.  

  5. J.K. Rowling introduced a whole new spectrum of characters and a fresh-out-of-the-oven plot that hasn't been seen since The Lord of the Rings or The Chronicles of Narnia. She created a whole new world.

    Stephanie Meyer took the real world, and stuck some cut-and-paste characters in the middle of it. How... boring.  

  6. Harry Potter, for me, there is no comparison.  JK Rowling spent a long time defining every charecter closely and making every piece of the plot fit together like a jigsaw puzzle.  Its almost as if JK Rowling created her own world, and often, I think her readers get very wrapped up in that world, its hard to believe its not real because it's so well described and everything makes so much sense.

    i love harry potter, i like twilight.

  7. Harry Potter, no contest. The Twilight Series had more holes than swiss cheese. The characters were two-demensional and cliche. For instance, Rosalie is the average blond and Emmett is the average jock. They don't get any deeper.

    All of the Characters in Harry Potter, even the minor ones, had defined personalities. Take Mundungus or Colin Creevey. They barely have any lines, and yet JK Rowling brings them to life. And even though Harry Potter had some holes, most of them are covered up pretty well. You didn't see fans returning their copies of The Deathly Hallows.

    This one isn't up for debate, and it isn't a matter of opinion. If you were to count out all the plot holes in Harry Potter and all the plot holes in Twilight, Twilight would have a lot more. Doesn't matter which one you like better, Harry Potter was more developed (which is why it had SEVEN books).

  8. sigh. can we please just get over this silly, pointless question that has been asked a million bajillion times? no?

    anyway, yes, you're right, harry potter is vastly the better series. better characters, more creative and innovative, better plot, less cliches, etc. etc. etc.

    and twilight characters are about as complex as amoebas. sorry, but there it is. how long did stephenie meyer take to create the characters? five minutes? because about half of them are cliched stock characters.

    ok, are we done now? i'm really getting tired of this harry vs. twilight debate.


  9. If I'm being honest, Harry Potter was more developed. But I am a 100% Twilight fan and I do give Stephanie Meyer credit for doing her research on everything in the Twilight Series. Because I had no clue about Forks, Washington or First Beach or those cars or the Quilete tribe at all. But J.K Rowling gives you more of an understanding of her characters. I mean all we know about Emmett is that...he got mauled by a grizzle bear and Rosalie saved him. You don't get much on Sue or any of the other characters like them. But I still love Twilight more. Harry Potter got boring after a while.

  10. twilight is no competition 2 harry potter. HArry POTTER RULZ!!

    JK rowling is a legend!! Stephenie Meyers, Eh.

  11. well twilight was the most magical out of all the books including in both the series and i hav grown to the twilight series better but i think that harry potter was a  better thougt out series and jkr was able to please her fans more then sm

  12. lol i agree w/ u...i like harry potter better.

    hp is more defined cuz the series is longer and rowling goes more in depth with the characters...

  13. The Harry Potter series was definitely more defined and complex in the plotline.  The characters in the Twilight series were more complex than those of Harry Potter.  In a way the holes in the plot line of Twilight is made up for by the characters.  

  14. It's Harry Potter no doubt about it. I have tried to read Stephenie Meyer's literary abortion on several occasions. I just could not finish it. And when I was reading them, I just felt like I was wasting time.  

  15. Harry Potter, definitely.  First because she had seven books to do it in, but also because the characters were complex and developed from the very beginning.  Harry has always been complicated and questioning his place in the world and what he needs to do, and the plot was thought out instead of randomly written down as the author saw fit.  Twilight had gaping plot holes a lot of the time, and the characters were two-dimensional and overall bland and fake. Harry Potter's plot tied everything together, whereas Breaking Dawn's just added randomness to the mix.  It's like a chef cooking a gourmet meal with a recipe, and one cooking it without AND missing some ingredients which he can't be bothered to replace.  Rowling's characters also don't "write the book for her" as Meyer's apparently do.

  16. That is kind of hard because I happen to be a fan of BOTH!

    and I think that J.K Rowling and Stephenie Meyer are GENIUS WRITERS!

    But i think I will have to go with Twilight no...Harry Potter...Idk!

    because they are both really well!


    >>♥ Team Edward♥<<

  17. I think that Harry Potter is a bit more defined in the plotline and characters. Due to the face that the series is longer that Twilight, she had more time to define the major (Harry, Ron, Hermione) characters as well as the minor (Lupin, Tonks, Neville, Luna, Sirius, etc) ones. She managed to keep the original plotline of finding a way to defeat Voldemort and write about a different adventure in every book.

    Twilight's main goal is to keep Bella and Edward together. I do like that, with each book, you learn more about the Cullens' past. Both have different goals, obstacles, and genres. While theyre both fantasy, one has more adventure, while the other has more romance.  

  18. Harry Potter, for reasons already stated.


  19. Definitely the Twilight series. Stephenie Meyer made the story very suspenseful which made you keep on reading.

  20. Harry Potter. I'm also a Twilight lover but even I have to admit that it does not beat Harry Potter. Bella doesn't develop completely, her life is Edward and that's it. In Harry Potter we can watch the characters grow, especially Harry, as they mature. In Deathly Hallows almost everything is answered with a great plot and storyline while in Breaking Dawn, the plot is not as well written and leaves questions unanswered, and readers unsatisfied. I think the first book in the series Twilight was great but Harry Potter was a better overall series.

  21. Harry Potter, definitely.

    Twilight has little character development. Bella was the 'clumsy girl who needed a man' and Edward was 'That Man." That was it. It was also littered with overused ideas and has the plot structure of swiss cheese.

    Harry Potter had developed characters, a much tighter plot, and a fantastic new world way beyond Meyer's capability. Rowling also had the ability to, you know, write. Meyers wasn't that good at that.

  22. Well... Harry Potter actually has a plot. So it wins.

    Also, the characters in HP are developed and realistic. In Twilight... they are one-dimensional and boring.

    Twilight's 'plot' has more holes than swiss cheese. And that stupid series carries no message, unlike HP.

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