
Which street gang should I join?

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I am a retired golden ager who has always dreamed of running with a crew. You know, a posse. A street gang for those of you who aren't hip with the jive. So, what is a good gang for me? Should I get tatoos before or after I join? PS, I am white.




  1. Personally I would go with the gang that wear the badge. Right or wrong they've got the law on their side.

    Good luck to ya.

  2. the black panthers.  

  3. What ever gang you choose be sure you paint a "10-ring" on your chest to make it easier for cop who has you in his sights.  Punk!

  4. You asking in th wrong place. Plus why is it that young men these days cant see any farther than their nose. Shooting people and getting shot one day by your rivals or th e police is you vision. You are by far the dumbest, stupidest A-h0le I came across !

    White gangs dont get far the black one run the streets, you can always join the coward KKKs who always cover their faces and arent man enough to  face society

  5. Just join a Union....same lifestyle as a gang but with benefits and political clout. Good luck, homie!

  6. The Gray Panthers.

  7. Join "Our Gang."  Alfalfa was always my favorite. Get a tattoo of that bulldog with the bullseye around his eye.  Take on a hip name like "The Falf," or Li'l Rascal or Spanky.  Pull stunts like putting too much yeast in a loaf of bread and baking a humongous loaf...  or bake soap into a cake and then blow bubbles when you talk...

  8. Tatoos show up really well on caucasians, so I highly recommend it. Get low-profile mohawk and join the gang..............of Greeters at your local Walmart.  

  9. A.A.R.P.  if your tough enough

  10. It really depends what city you're in. If you're in LA, I'd suggest going with the Crips or Bloods if your'e into jig gangs and either the Surenos 13, Norteno 14 or the Mexican Mafia if you're into spick gangs. In Chicago, the jig gangs are Gangster Disciples, Vice Lords and Black P Stones. The spicks are Latin Kings. I'd also get the tattoos first. Just put them in different places so you can display them when you apply for the different gangs.

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