
Which study abroad program/organisation is the best for American student going on to Europe?

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I've been looking through websites about foriegn exchange prgrams, but im not completely content with just one..

here are some of the criterias i'm basically looking:

-best plans(like insurance,home stay,etc..)

-cheapest price(this is is probably the most important)

-if they offer acedemic year prgrams(,some are just like summer programs), in the countries i plan to go:(im choosing between)France,Italy,or Spain... any good webistes or organisations anyone prefers??? thanks!




  1. Move there three years prior to having to attend uni and it will be free! This can be done if you have a parent or possibly a grandparent that was born in Europe.

  2. I dont know about best price but try

  3. I am looking at the same thing. I just decided on a company called EF. I am not sure whether you are in high school or college/university, but EF has programs for both. If you go to the EF website, the program I am doing is called High School Year Abroad. They offer insurance and you are guaranteed a host family. In addition, the prices are cheaper than any other organization that I came across, and they offer scholarships. Some of the places you can go on exchange to include France, Spain, England, Costa Rica, Germany, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, China and Japan!

    I hope this helps!!

  4. Go ask your study abroad advisor at your college - they will also know how your school will deal with the financial aspect of it all.  In the study abroad office at our school they also had students fill out evaluations of different programs as they came home from the various organizations and they kept them in a binder for students to look at.

  5. Hi,

    You will find everything on the websites below:

    Search Google for Erasmus Mundus Programs

    For UK

    For France:

    For USA

    For Germany

    For Netherlands

    For Australia:

    The above website are the websites of the respective governments to assist international students. Go to their offices only.

    For GMAT:

    For TOEFL:

    You can always do a MBA. Now keep one thing in mind. The country of the MBA program is really not that important as much as the accreditation. These three accreditations are very important - AMBA, AACSB and EQUIS.

    Which ever program you apply to, make sure it has at least one of these accreditations. Then you need not be worried about the programs recognition. Have a look at their websites and select programs listed there.

    AACSB -

    AMBA -

    EQUIS -

    All the best!

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