
Which subs would you choose for truck box???

by Guest62779  |  earlier

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I am getting a upfire truck box for my 07 avalanche. Which 10" subs would you recommend that would total under $200 for both? the box i am getting is below. Thanks Yahooers! Will post pics later.

p.s. any good amps that yall would recommend that are under $250




  1. I am not so sure about the subs w/ such small mounting depth.

    A few mid-size amps that I think you should look into are a kicker zx750.1 or possibly the zx1000.1. Maybe an MTX 801d, ta7801r, or 5601. Or even the JL 500/1. The JL actually puts out 500 watts at 11v and 14.4v. It also gives 500 watts whether in a 4, 2, or 1.5 ohm load.

    Of course, I'm sure these would have to be picked out offline to stay in the 250 price range, but they are all pretty sufficient and reliable. Remember, you get what you pay for! Don't be scared to go a Little over on the price..  you will always be more satisfied to have enough power, than to be left hanging and wanting more. :)

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