
Which summerslam upset is more likely to happen?

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Khali vs overrated HHH or Edge over Undertaker? Please pick one and don't say neither because one or the other is likely to happen




  1. i think edge could pull off a upset against taker for real. i think it will be a great match between 2 great wrestlers and i think taker will win the match, BUT, edge could get the win and pull off a upset. no joke.

  2. Khali beating Triple H. Edge actually have a chance against Taker but I highly doubt he will win though

  3. Edge has a chance, so Khali would be an upset

  4. I hope Taker comes back as a Badass. And face edge in a cell in a cell. it would be cool. I have a feeling that Edge will win some how. won't it be cool if edge spear undertaker and he fell of the cell on the to table like what taker did to mick foely or they both fall. Or maybe even undertaker choke slam Edge fall to the announce table and then mick foely you ask me how it feels when i fell on to the table this is how i felt

    For khali i bet it will be a dumb match like Cena face khali. He is going to get hit with a weapon mostly and HHH lose but don't lose the title or Khali hits HHH or one of them knocks down the ref and either of them mostly HHH hit khali with a sledgehammer

  5. seriously...♥fAsHionista♥ how can u cheat in a h**l In A Cell match...everything is legal...

    but i think Edge is going to win HIC...and the biggest upset would be Khali...also i hope JBL wins WHC..not because i like him but cos Punk was a transitional champ...and JBL is due for at least a short reign soon...

  6. Orton will interfere in cena's match

    Jbl will beat cm punk

  7. edge over undertaker because that makes a better story line...kahli beatin anyone is just annoying

  8. edge over undertaker!!!!!!!!!!

    because some how edge is gonna cheat his way to winning the h**l

    in a cell match!!!! like wat he always does when he wants to win!!!

  9. I will be beyond upest if HHH loses to Khali. I think HHH needs to lose his belt to someone much better than that. I can see Mr. Kennedy having that title on his waste much more than Khali.


  10. John cena vs batista cause both of them are really boring to watch.

  11. Ha ha neither.

  12. Khali winning the wwe title will be an upset and a disgrace to all the legends who held that title before, and Taker/Edge match will be a five star match which we haven't had once in a while if no one interferes.Third match I'm looking foward to is the Jeff and MVP match the other ones I don't care.

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