
Which superhero would come out on top between Ion, Superman, and Thor?

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Which superhero would come out on top between Ion, Superman, and Thor?




  1. That's a tough one. Thor has an upperhand as in I think his powers are magical or mystical which Superman has a weakness against. Superman can win if he absorbs enough sun energy though, which I'm sure Ion would try to prevent. Ion could just put Thor in some kind of bubble and throw down with good old Blue. You're my boy BLUE!!! In the end the combined powers of Superman would win though. I hate to say it as I am a huge Ion/Green Lantern fan. Only if Ion could manifest green kryptonite or it effects could he win but I think Superman would move too fast for that to happen.

  2. Superman would probably force the other two to stop fighting and give them a lecture on how Superheroes should behave. Superman is far more powerful than the other two, so he wouldn't have much trouble manhandling both at the same time.

  3. Superman.

    In terms of raw power he would take Thor's hammer and beat his azz with it.

    As for Ion, he might last a few minutes longer, but in the end, Big Blue would win.

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