
Which surf spots in Santa Cruz handle a high tide well for a SSW swell?

by Guest56968  |  earlier

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Which surf spots in Santa Cruz handle a high tide well for a SSW swell?




  1. Two great spots, however both crowded and heavy on the sharks. Waddell Creek and Scott's Creek, the later of which is best in the winter. Waddell's is best early morning or with an offshore wind. Scott's is good on anything 2 to 20 feet, the reef to the north being the most popular. But in the winter, the creek and moving sand create sandbars all down the beach. Also, in the spring, there's these huge, like 20 foot, whales just chillin 50 yards offshore, and they're definately friendly. Waddell's is pretty far north though, its nearly at the county line. But yeah, both spots are good for the conditions you mentioned.

    Oh, and there's a bunch of good secret spots north and south of Scott's for you to explore.


    Yeah, Swamis, while its a great break, actually works best with a W or NW swell on either low or incoming high tide.

  2. i dont know any in santa cruz but i know one in encinitas. its called swamis. probibly herd of it. it is one of the only spots around were i live that has good surf when it is big

    alot of the other spots dont have form.

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