
Which surfboard to buy...perfomance Fish or performance Egg/Funboard???

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cant decide, what do yall think. I'm 6'3 175lb. i live on the gulf coast and my 6'2 shortboard doesn't get the waves it deserves most of the time. I dont have too much riding experience with either board shapes listed above. looking for a length from 6'0-6'8. mostly interested in being able to surf the frequent TX slop and get the speed i need to get my hits, carves n' floaters in. not good enough to bust airs or anything like that.




  1. I have extremely little surfing experience, but, If you go to a local surf shop, Especially one like Wave Riding Vehicles, they are extremely happy to give you advice on what you need. They usually know their stuff too. Good Luck!

  2. go with a little bigger fish---catches more waves and has a little fun board to it.

  3. Depends on what kind of waves you ride but for the most part, I would say go with a fish.  It's fast, it's loose, and it's a ton of fun.  Who doesn't want a board like that?  You're wave count will go up a little with an egg/funboard but it won't be as loose and if you want to improve your surfing, won't do much for it.  It'll just help you catch waves better.  I ride a 9' longboard, 7'2 gun, 6'3 thruster and a 5'9" fish and the 5'9" has been getting all the attention lately.  If you want, just go with a slightly longer shape with a little more volume if you want to keep the wave county as high as possible.  You'll be amazed at how well it catches waves.

  4. fish is the way to go for that style of surfing

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