
Which sword should i buy?

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I'm looking for a very sharp sword but there are so many controversial points of view about the swords i look to buy, so i was wondering, what sword specifications should the sword I'm going to buy have to produce a nice sharp sword?

I hear carbon steel is the best metal




  1. Carbon steel can be sharpened really well, but it doesn't stay sharp.  Good steel requires maintenance.

    Still, look for one that doesn't cost a lot, because after about a month, you won't play with it anymore.

    No joke.  You'll see.

  2. Carbon steel will take an edge that you wouldn't believe I mean crazy sharp. I have a couple of them myself and you can shave with them, and i don't mean like the hair on your arm I mean rough and tough facial hair. It does have some draw backs like anything does, it is fairly easy to damage and ruin that fine honed edge. Not like you are likely to be getting into any sword duels any time soon though, so if you aren't planning on going out in the yard and hack at trees or something crazy with it, you'll be all good.

  3. What kind of sword?

  4. You might want to do some reading on the Sword Forum.  There are loads of folks who know what they're talking about there, not to mention an abundance of information.  Try perusing the Beginner's Forum.  Many folks have posted similar questions to yours, and people often post their experiences with various swords, many times including pictures or links to videos.

  5. yes, carbon steel is the best material for real functional sharp swords.

    you may check at for sharp real functional swords.

    a good website for swords.

  6. Honestly unless you have formal training in a sword art, and have roaming bands of Ninja's or Samurai running around your neighborhood, you will be better off getting a cheap display sword.

    Real swords can hurt you in a heart beat if you are not trained in their proper use. All it takes is one miscalculation and something that is supposed to be attatched wont.

    If you decide not to take my advice at least video tape yourself using it, and either post the consequences yourself or have your next of kin do it, so that we have visual proof for the next person who asks a question like this.  

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