
Which system is good for a nation?

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American type of democracy

British system democracy

communisam as in china

rulers as in arab nations

military rulers

Which is the best for any nation?




  1. I would always say a 'mixture of British and American system democracy.....I completely believe in Capitalism and giving people equal chances..

  2. hate to say but American democracy. or maybe communisam is equally good.

  3. I agree that there is no best answer. China is one of the oldest nations and has been very successful with communism. The United States often sacrifices order for freedom but has survived for well over 200 years. Great Britain is also a very old nation who has been very successful. They have altered their government to suit the changing times and though the queen is more of a symbol than an authority, she is still loved by the people she rules over. Military rulers often are murdered when to be overthrown and their governments change very often so that is not the best answer at all. Arab nations have many militaristic rulers that have engaged in bad dictatorships but some are successful like the United Arab Emrates. The first three are probably better, but no best answer.

  4. American type of Democracy

  5. The best system is swiss type democracy. It's pretty much the same as American type democracy. The differences are, there are a lot more parties and the people vote on almost every issue. It's really run by the people. It's an  excellent system.

  6. The official dogma (at least in the U.S.) is that democracy restrains the bad in politics and turns it to doing good.  I have formed the opinion that all political institutions tend toward corruption.  Politics is about power, and dishonest people (and worse) gravitate toward power.  Notions of controlling it are naive.

    Nations need stability and provision of laws.  These don't necessarily have to come through political systems.  Indeed, actual stability is a process that is fostered socially, often against the worst efforts of politics.  In my opinion, the best political system for any nation is one that is most limited.

  7. BJP ruling India

  8. democracy is best and all should your money transaction should be computerised

  9. We Indians will not change our attitude, we are the one who gives support to corruption. We didn't follow the rules, we are blind though our eyes are wide open. It is our responsibility to look around and keep an eye on any catastrophe. I suggest at least for one tenure we require a good Military Rulers. To change our mentality and of course our Political leaders..........................

  10. Well my friend, according to me British system democracy system is good for the nation as britishers knew how to keep Indians & the rest accordingly.

  11. arab nations

    all peopel has to follow his king withiout any oppose....

    that is best

    past time king rurrer only working in all over world

    like india, engeland, china, japan, mugal empire all over asia and europe..........

  12. Different type governments  operate efficently under differing conditions.  There is no "one size fits all"  Each type has it's good/bad points.

  13. the system depends upon the ppl living in tat country.

    So the best system for any nation would be selectin the system which suits their country

  14. Look at the different countries that have different types of government and look at which countries are the most successful.  America and Britain democracy are the most successful countries which leads people to think that they are the most powerful and successful.

  15. The best form of government for any nation would be a benign dictatorship as in Singapore.

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