American all the way. You are given more options to choose your subjects and be engaged into a rigorous academic program. Plus, you don't have to worry about transferring to another school as a senior, especially if you came from a different system. There's more challenge, and universities consider a lot of factors, so no score in your transcripts or SATs can define your application status.
The problem I find with the British system is that tend to give you ten years of "chicken" education. No offense but it appears you can goof off and have a not-so difficult time with classes during the first ten years. However, the last two (or is it three) years are always depressing and are terrible. The worst part is that the British system barely recognizes any system from around world. The only ones that are usually recognized are Indian, Australian, Malaysian, Sri Lankan, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and EU nations. So if you're transferring and is your last year, you might have some problems entering the British system. Finally, UK universities, most of them, base the admittance of a student through the results of his or her A-level exams, which is kinda unfair.