
Which tackle do you think is harder?

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Choose between a run-straight-into-player tackle, or a dive tackle (where you leapt, sorta like when you dive into a pool)?




  1. i think (as a county playa) dat a run in straight tackle is harder cuz the momentum from u and the uva play is big so more damage to the oposition and they mite drop the ball which gives u the advantage

  2. Well,

    if you really know tackling you will know

    Brian "the chiropractor" Lima is the best tackler.

    dive tackle, straight into the person tackle he has it all.

  3. diving tackle of course(aim for the chest)

  4. Diveing tackles are harder to execute and be successful with, and should be used as a last resort. Injury city there.

  5. both techniques  hit really hard and take a lot out of someone the dive is perfect for close hit ups  out of the ruck area because you got time to line up the ball carrier but the key to the dive tackle is hitting them before they can lean there body forward into you if you leave your launch too late  you will get bumped off or even worse run over my fav is the straight out running hit hard collision good for amping the team up and it just feels more primitive

  6. The head on tackle is generally a harder tackle to execute, not only is it extremely easy to break most straight on tackles, but head on tackles depend mostly on size, technique does play a certain importance but some people just aren't going to go down. that's why you give the ball to you big boys on the try line, they aren't likely to be tackled, especially one on one, and if they are it will be 10 meters later.

  7. It would have to be the run straight into them tackle as if you're against a bigger oponent if you don't have a good body position you will just get boshed off, side tackle you just need hit and slide down their legs and they will tumble!

  8. straight run, if ya dnt get it right ull be worse off specily if ur against a bigger person.

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