
Which tall flowers bloom after mid summer and are perennial and re-seed?

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how long do they bloom for and when exactly?

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  1. cannas are the best flower for your description.

    great leaves and some come in lots of colors. ther flowers can also be many colors according to the type of canna. they have dwarf cannas in which the foliage grows to 3 feet and then a large stalk with a flower comes up 4 feet high, but some grow up to 5 feet tall with flowers up to 7 feet high about 2 feet above the foliage.

    blooms fom july all the way till the night before frost. blooms are very plentiful with the most occuring in full sun around the month of august.

    will come up year after year if temps are above 10 in the winter and kept dry. some get them to survive to 0 by putting a garbage can lid on the area  where the plant was, and then putting lots of leaves on top of the lid.

    once the plant dies at frost cut to the ground.

    if you live in an area that is colder than this wait till frost and cut the palnt. then dig the bulb up, wash the bulb, and make it dry ans store in a cold area with temps no higher or lower than 50 degrees

  2. verbena bonariensis

    very tall and feathery

    last in bloom for ages all over the place!

  3. Depends on where u live.  Some plants that are perennials in some zones are annuals in others....and vice versa.

    I like Echinecea ( cone flower ).  It blooms from now until early fall if treated right.  

    My Russian Sage still has some color on the plant and blooms from June til August..... of my favorites...Liatris.  A really cool tall plant with brush looking tall blooms.  Check it out.  It's a really cool plant.  

    I also plant Obedience Plant.  It blooms in August ( in zone 5....midwest) but looks pretty good beforehand.  

    good luck

  4. vebena bonarensis (july to end oct)

    Lobelia cardinalis (Aug to end oct)

    Dahlias (Aug to Nov)

  5. verbina, veronica and achillia, mix with tall grasses - for a 'prairie' effect.

  6. echinescia /coneflower  (mispelt) is a late flowering perennial that can also be sown from seed; also  bergamot, both can be about 3-4 feet high depending on conditions (1) ; evening primrose is prolific with yellow flowers (2) ;also have a large daisy thing (rudibekia)  that is not blooming til nearly Sept and nearly 5 ft tall.

    (1) these 2 have also make good herbal teas

    (2) the young leaves are good in salad, and the roots can be cooked like carrots in the winter

  7. anemone japonica comes in white and several shades of pink it is perennial, tall and flowers August to October, it has quite large flowers but it can be invasive the roots shoot off underground and come up further from the plant so has to watched.

  8. Phlox Aug - Oct, lobelia Cardinalis Aug on, Dahlias, Chrysanthemums

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