
Which team and team's player has changed the most from 2004 to now improved?

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or improved?

two players comes to my mind,both are wicketkeepers




  1. Ireland have improved, Jason Bray (former Australian) has improved Ireland Cricket.

  2. srilanka as a team and gautam gambhir as a player

  3. Lemme guess! Dhoni and Sanga? Actually, was Dhoni playing in 2004? I don't know. Actually, the man that comes to mind for me is Graeme Smith. He has evolved from a risk-taking, schizophrenic cricketer to a more responsible, leader-like figure, and he is now captain of the world's second best side! As for the most improved team... I don't know. The SL and NZ have improved in that time I think.  

  4. england has improved lot

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